Web site Topic : My favorite type of music and the artists that revolve around this music genra. My genra of music is a mix of rap Hip Hop with metal but it is more known as UnderGround music since it has developped in the beggining of an app called SoundCloud. Usually very deep lirically these artists are very interesting and special in their way. I like to call this type of music Satanic Rap as it often reffers to satanic mindsets and negative behaviour and feeling: Abuse of drugs, depression,idealisation of death and suicide, occultism, melancholy,sadness and nihilism.
The goal: informate people of the existence of such a music style and explain a bit of its core to interest people. I want people to stumble upon these artists and listen to their lirycs, try to understand what their meanings are and relate a bit to the everyday life of these artists. Most of them are simply depressed and spill their emotions into an art form and they decided music. Its interesting to see everyone’s mindset and all their knowledge that we can take and use everyday. I have noticed with my music style that the more you listen to it the more you are going to enjoy it, because this is actually not a style of music made for everyone.
The target audience : for young adults and after. normal text and uncensored content, crude explanation.
Commercial Site: My music artists have many products and merchandise to be sold, from clothing to posters most of them have sites to buy goodies.